viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2016



viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016

Drink water

Dirink water is important because the body needs water to hidrate
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Whath are healthy habits

Healthy habits are the ones that you usually do to have  a healthy life like:

Exersice :Isvitythe act that the pearsons do to have an exellent body figure.

Ivitythe act that the pearsons do to have an exellent body figure.


Going to the gym is a healthy habit THAT MOST OF THE PEOPLE in Bogota  do it
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Also having a healthy breakfast
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More tips...

Beeing a healthy pearson also mins not beeing stressed
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And also nat eat many junk food
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Eating healthy food is a habit that all pearsons should have
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Doing all mornigs a delicious fruit shake can help you to be healthy
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What is to be healthy

What is to be healthy ?
To be healthy is to have a healthy life an a healthy food

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Sports can help you to have a healthy life

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Going walking to work also can hel you to be healthy